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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jeter Not Being A Very Good Captain?

"Yankees manager Joe Girardi appears to be walking on egg shells when the discussion turns to where Derek Jeter bats in the lineup. It is the most delicate of issues since the franchise icon is off to a lackluster start (.250) as he moves methodically toward the coveted 3,000-hit plateau. The problem is the Yankees may be a better offensive team with Jeter batting down in the batting order. As Jeter continues to struggle, Girardi will soon have a big decision on his hands (ESPN)."

Personally I think the media is blowing this out of proportion. It's not like Jeter is terrible right now (.250 BA) and it is really early in the season to be moving the face of your franchise. Still, I see where they are coming from. If Jeter doesn't raise is OBP (.310), and the Yankees do have a lot of options with guys like Swisher, Granderson, Cano (who all have a higher OBP).

All I know is this situation will get ugly whether it's this year or the next, and the Yankees are going to have to deal with it at some point. The best thing Jeter could do as the "captain" is to meet with the coach and drop himself down the order, if the situation gets to the point where it needs to happen. This will take the pressure off the coach, and make it a lot less tense in the locker room.

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