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Monday, May 9, 2011

Peavy To Start Wednesday

" reports that White Sox SP Jake Peavy, on the 15-day disabled list with tendinitis in his right shoulder, played catch on Sunday and is expected to throw a side session on Monday. As along as he does not suffer a setback, he will return to the rotation for Wednesday's series finale against the Angels. "I do want to bring some enthusiasm, some fire, some passion," Peavy said. "I certainly think the ballclub could use a shot in the arm (CBS Sports)."

Shot in the arm is an understatement. The White Sox have been flat out terrible. They are 13-22 so far this season, so maybe Peavy can spark some life into this team. Even if Peavy is good, it hasn't been the starting pitching that's been bad, it's been the offense and the bullpen.

Adam Dunn: .167 3 HRs 14 RBIs
Alex Rios: .213 3 HRs 9 RBI
Alexei Ramirez: .244 3 HRs 11 RBIs

Those numbers are going to cut it. To be honest, other then Konerko no one is hitting exceptionally well. One would think Dunn will get it going, but it's really too bad, because they have a good rotation and it seems to be going to waste.

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