"Artest has indeed been suspended for Game 3, according to Chris Broussard of ESPN The Magazine (ESPN)."
By now we all know Artest will not be playing in Game 3, and he shouldn't. Artest went out of his way to make a stupid play and now he is going to have to pay the price. The trouble is that it couldn't come at a worse time for the Lakers. They are down 0-2 and heading to Dallas. Hell, they are in worse shape the Celtics right now. Am I sold the Mavericks will beat the Lakers? No, I never count out Kobe, I'm not that stupid, but we can start to see the writing on the wall.
Any nit wit that rights for a site has written a post about the "changing of the guard" in the NBA. Listen, no shit. We all knew the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs were on their last legs. Maybe this is the year, but stop acting like it's a big fucking surprise. We have been talking about this since the Big 3 came together in Boston. We all knew it was a limited time deal, and actually it lasted a year longer then I thought it would.
Do I think the end is upon us this year? No, I'm not sold. Boston always brings it at home, and I think they will again. Am I bias, damn right I am, but I am also someone who blasts the Celtics, maybe more then anyone else on this site, and I'm just not sold this is it. Nor am I sold that LeChoke has finally turned the corner.
So, Thunder/Heat the future is yours, but don't count out this one last run.
And oh yea, Artest should just kill himself, but thanks for fucking up the Lakers.
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