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Friday, December 17, 2010

Redskins Bench McNabb Again?

Kelli Johnson of CSN Washington provided the tweet heard 'round the world on Friday morning:

"Just learned that Rex Grossman is starting over McNabb Sun in Dallas; I'm told Redskins' locker room is divided and guys are extremely upset (ESPN)."

To be honest, I am not all that surprised. It was obvious the Redskins were going to cut McNabb at the end of the season, but I don't really get why they want to start Grossman so bad. He definitely isn't good, we all know they. McNabb is having a terrible year, but I also give him somewhat of a pass, since this team would be a mess regardless if he was there, and he has no talent around him.

Shanahan was supposed to lift up this franchise, but he may have sent them back a couple more years.

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