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Friday, February 4, 2011

Delonte West Injury Update

The Celtics have been playing well, but they aren't at full strength yet. I have said all along the 2nd unit won't hit their stride will Delonte West is back and 100% healthy.

"Delonte West participated in some non-contact drills on Thursday. He hopes to up the work in practices soon with the chance that he can return before the All-Star break.

"If not, I'll definitely be ready to go the start of the second half of the season," West told The Boston Globe. "Each day it's getting better, feeling comfortable, doing a little bit more. I was shooting layups and catching passes today. It's still a little sore, but I'm hoping any day now I can get cleared to start practicing. Looks can be deceiving -- I'm catching passes and dribbling, but I'm not doing anything with a lot of force. Force gives me discomfort. Either way, I'm going to have to play with a little discomfort (ESPN)."

Last game Ray Allen blew up on the 2nd unit for lack of hustle, and blowing a lead. The 2nd unit all season has been very hit or miss, maybe it is a bit of nitpicking but if the Celtics are going to win it all they can't have a big drop-off from the 1st unit to the 2nd. I believe when Delonte comes back and takes the point from Nate the 2nd unit will run a lot smoother. West plays much better defense then Nate, and also distributes the basketball better. That should make life easier for guys like Big Baby and Shaq.

Everything seems to be going well in terms of recovery, but I very much doubt he will be on the court before the All-Star game. Doc is usually very cautious, which in my opinion is one of his biggest assets, especially with the age the Celtics have on this squad.

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