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Thursday, February 3, 2011

More Laker Drama

A day after a rumor had come out that Ron Artest wants out of LA, the Lakers are now having to deal with Kobe Bryant calling out PoopFace (Pau Gasol)...

"When I'm out there being aggressive and doing my thing, he needs to follow suit and just be just as aggressive which is hard for him because it's kind of against his nature. But I think tonight was a good step," Bryant said.

"Even when he was in Memphis and he was the go-to guy, he was always very nice. Very white swan. I need him to be black swan (ESPN)."

As true as this statement might be the Lakers are really getting into a bad habit of calling their players out through the media. So far Phil Jackson has called out Kobe, Artest, and Bynum. Kobe has called out Gasol, and even the owner has got into the mix saying that the Lakers defense has been hurting because they are "too old".

Wow, and we still got a lot of the season left. The Lakers can certainly get back on track, but it is looking more and more like they could implode. If we were picking today I'd still say the Lakers are the most likely to make it to the Finals, even with how well the Spurs have been playing. I just trust Kobe more then any other player, but there are certainly cracks in the foundation of this franchise and this could get ugly quick if they keep using the media to air out their dirty laundry.

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