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Monday, January 26, 2009

DC Versus

Sorry for the delay. I started my new job today and so i was unable to get to this earlier. I was however able to ask about 5 people at work their opinions on this next matchup. Seeing as it was indeed my first day of working there and i brought this up about 2 hours into the day and took notes in my little notepad, they seemed to get a kick out of it. Anyway, i think everyones gonna like this weeks edition. It features...

Michael Myers


Jason Vorhees

I'll be honest, when i was young I didnt take the time to differentiate between the two because they both made me piss myself. However now thanks to this segment of DC i can face my fears and put these two sons of satan up against one another. But if your like me, you dont know all the differences between these two. So for a moment lets differentiate shall we? We Shall.

Michael Myers is a character from the 'Halloween' series of slasher films. He first appears in John Carpenter's Halloween in 1978 as a young boy who murders his older sister, then fifteen years later returns home to murder more teenagers. He was actually known as 'The Shape' in the final credits of the first movie, simply because he didnt seem like a real person. A cool sidenote about the mask used:

This guy is Nick Castle the guy who had to find the perfect mask, what they did was take a William Shatner halloween mask, cut the eyes holes out bigger, took off the sideburns and eyebrows and messied up the hair. and the mask was born. awesome piece of trivia there.
"A common characterization is that Michael Myers is evil. John Carpenter has described the character as "almost a supernatural force - a force of nature. An evil force that's loose," a force that is "unkillable"[10] Professor Nicholas Rogers elaborates, "Myers is depicted as a mythic, elusive bogeyman, one of superhuman strength who cannot be killed by bullets, stab wounds, or fire."(Wikipedia)
Simply put, he cant be stopped and even when he has killed, he just keeps going. Hes the energizer murderer. And combined with that music in the movies, i dont think anything is more horrifying.

Jason Voorhees is a character from the 'Friday the 13th' series of slasher films. He first appeared in Friday the 13th in 1980, as the son of camp cook-turned-murderer Mrs. Voorhees; he was not originally intended to carry the series as the main villain. Jason Voorhees has also been represented in numerous novels, comic books, and a cross-over film with another horror legend, Freddy Krueger. Basically he was a side character that took a life of its own, pardon the pun.
In his original appearance, Jason was scripted as a mentally disabled young boy. Since Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees has been depicted as a non-verbal, indestructible, machete-wielding mass murderer. With the exception of flashbacks of Jason drowning as a child, and a brief scene in Jason Goes To Hell where his spirit is possessing another body, the character has never spoken in any of the sequels to the original Friday the 13th. he doesn't have any personality. He's like a great white shark. You can't really defeat him. All you can hope for is to survive.

Soak it in. two ridiculous characters and arguably the two most horrifying characters in cinematic history. So lets put them up against one another finally.

They both cant be killed. Thats tough to work around. So Im thinking about a battle that lasts until one of them gets bored. Jason is said to not have a personality but i feel like he has more of one than Myers. Jason is different than myers in that he actually has a human connection with his mother, that makes him weak in this matchup. Myers seems to just hate human beings all together. However i cant forsee Myers using Jasons love for his mother against him in any way, hes not that inventive.

Inventiveness is where i think Jason has the advantage. I just feel like over the course of his murdering he has done so in more creative ways than Myers. I remember one time Jason stabbed this dude in the back a bunch and then as he was twictching and dieing Jason bent the bed and consequently this dude in half. I appretiate that he took the time to do something clever after the stabbing which has been done countless times.

So who wins? Who Wins indeed.

Im going with my gut as I tend to do and which draws controversial results. Im going to say Jason is the victor. i cant really pin the actual reason i am leaning towards him other than i laugh more frequently with him then i do with Myers. Myers is tough no doubt about that, but i feel like Jason would have the upper hand because he would enjoy the battle more and we would be able to tell. Whereas Michael Myers would just sorta go through the motions.

A tribute to the victor in this rare footage of him battling another real life villian. not his best performance, but obviously its really him. apparently the place to do battle is someones backyard. But what do i know.

That is all.

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