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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Carson Palmer Really Wants Out Of Cincy

Over the last two days Carson Palmer is making it very clear that he has no plans to ever suit up for the Bengals again. According to reports Palmer told a friend that he "will never set foot in Paul Brown Stadium again" and that "I (Palmer) have $80 million in the bank. I don't have to play football for money. I'll play it for the love of the game but that would have to be elsewhere. I'm prepared to live my life."

I am kind of torn on this. On one hand the Bengals are a terrible organization, and don't seem like they will ever do anything. The owner refuses to put money into the facilities, and they are near the bottom in spending every year.

On the other hand, Palmer hasn't exactly been stellar in recent years and their failures are in part his fault. I mean you can't come off the worst year of your career and then turn on your team and tell everyone to go screw... bad form.

Yet, at the end of the day I can't blame him. I wouldn't want to play there, and there isn't much time left in his career. Why waste it on this piss poor franchise? Sure, he hasn't played well, but I would be interested if he went to a good team if he could regain his former glory. Either way, he is right he has all the money he'll ever need, and doesn't have to play if he doesn't want to.

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