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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do You Find A Problem With LeBron's Loyalty?

We all know LeBron has wood for New York and supports the Yankees, but the Cowboys? C'Mon LeBron, don't become the new Jack Nicholson by rooting for the front runners. I know a lot of people my age and older were Cowboy fans growing up because they were blinded by the winning, but I think LeBron really needs to at least start pretending to like the city of Cleveland. How could he not? He grew up in Akron. You would think there would be some team he likes in the state of Ohio. Even Paul Pierce, a kid who grew up in LA, admitted he hated Boston, but every time you see him he is wearing something to represent Beantown. I'm not saying all Boston players need to like Boston teams, even though some have made some mistakes before:

But players of a city should at least act somewhat interested in their "hometown" teams.

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