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Monday, March 2, 2009

Why Were The Bronco's Trying To Trade Cutler?

There was speculation and proof that the Broncos were trying to move Jay Cutler this weekend, and my question to them is.. why? The whole mess has not only pissed off your potential franchise quarterback in asking to be traded, but has made douche bags like me only fuel the fire for writing stupid articles like this. Cutler had a pretty good year last year, and if it wasn't for the Broncos horrendous defense we may have seen them in the playoffs. Sure Cutler has a bad attitude and puts his foot in his mouth every time he talks, but he can throw the ball, and throw it well. What the Broncos and Josh McDaniels need to do is focus on their terrible defense over shaking this up on offense. Either way, the pending suspension of Brandon Marshall will only hurt Cutler's stats.

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