What's next for Allen Iverson. I just want to go on record and say, A.I. is my all time favorite NBA player. In his hay day, this little guy could dominate a game that has a prerequisite of being tall. Iverson is averaging 27 points a game for his entire career. That's an insane stat. One that Kobe nor Lebron have maintained. But as Iverson's 34th birthday approaches, still no ring. Why I'm making the point about him is because he obviously won't be a Piston next season. He is a unrestricted free agent which means he can go where ever he wants. But there in lies the question. Before I break down some possible scenarios for you lets take a look at what we have. We have a 34 year old 5'11 shooting guard looking for a job, and a ring. If A.I. was 27 years old then teams would have a bidding war, and he'd get the maximum contract. But that's not the case. Iverson's style of play is not like Ray Allen for example. Iverson isn't a deadly shooter. It's very hard for a guy who's game is based around speed and attacking the basket to stay in his prime for very long. There was points when A.I. was on the Sixers, where he could get to that basket anytime he wanted, and play 48 minutes a game while doing so. Maybe one of the toughest players we've seen. So what's my point? Iverson plays like a guy who can win it by himself, create his own shot, get to the basket, rely on speed and quickness, but he's not that guy anymore. No team will take Iverson with the "Me" attitude. No championship team that is. Do you think A.I. needs more money? Does he need to be the leading scorer? Does he need to start in the All Star game? No. He wants a ring. At least I hope. After he was traded to the Pistons he sat in a press conference and said "I'll do whatever it takes to win a championship." How about coming off the bench. Nope. Not A.I. "I've never come off the bench my entire career" Said A.I. when the debate over who would be 6th man him or Rip Hamilton. It's extremely unfortunate that A.I's dominance has come to and end, but it ha s. The question is, does Allen know it yet? Well we thought he did when he was added to the Pistons and said I'll do what it takes. He lied. Whether it was his fault for not being a team player, or the Piston's fault for having to many egos on one team, and no coach to back them up, is a mood point. But where I think A.I. has finally realized his place in this league is not what the Pistons didn't do, it's what the Nuggets are doing currently. It has to be an eye opener to watch the mediocre team that traded you for a player of equal value, catapult itself to a title contender in a half a season. So what's next for A.I....here a few predictions. These are in order of least likely to most likely.
Retire-Maybe A.I. doesn't want to destroy his name trying to win a championship. He has enough money. But the Allen Iverson that I've met at the Taj Mahal, occupying and entire no limit blackjack table to himself would never quit. I think this may be talked about, but never publicly. He'll be back.
Go to a crappy team-Sure A.I. could sign a one year deal for 10 million with a team like Golden State and see if he can win it by himself. If he chooses to do this then it just proves he's not yet willing to sacrifice anything for a ring. Which means he won win one. If this is what happens it may be because A.I. still may feel he's a starter on a contender and no team is willing to give the fading star a job that requires that much responsibility. So if he plays this may be his only option.
The Boston Celtics- Oh yeah. Laugh now. But there is significant theory and fact to back this up as a very realistic spot. If A.I. has let his ego go and truly just wants a championship before he retires, this would be his smartest move. The 6th man for the Celtics. This is a perfect puzzle fit. For A.I. to accept the role of the bench, he's not going to just walk into a locker room and play behind Eric Gordon, the rookie stud for the Clippers. It will take a team of champions to settle down his ego, and that have a bigger rap sheet than his. It could possibly take 3 hall of fame players and a hall bound coach. What better place than let your ego die than the Boston Celtics? A team that cares nothing for personal achievement and only about keeping tradition and that's raising banners. But, the Celtics need A.I. and much ad A.I. needs the Celtics. Their bench is very weak. But imagine everyone healthy. Then you have guys like Eddie House, Big Baby, and A.I. coming off the bench, A.I. could lower the minutes of Ray Allen and Paul Pierce who are both in the back end of their careers. This keeps the whole team fresh. And god forbid an injury. A.I. can play the 1 or 2 spot. Some Celtics fans, like myself, say this is not a good move for the C's, but it is if you think about all the points I just made in retrospect. A.I. wont sacrifice for just anyone. He's needs guys like KG starring him down saying "This is my team, your just on it!" Don't be surprised if a one year deal is signed with A.I. and the Celtics this summer.
Back home- This is the most fitting, and the most likely. When the Sixers starting shooting guard is Willie Green, anyone is better. But A.I. owes Philly a championship. Philly loves Allen. A 2 year deal to end his career and make a run seems very likely. He fits right in. With a healthly Elton Brand, A.I. Iggy, Young, and Miller, I'd say that's good to at least make a serious run at it. So they may think. But most of all, it's a moral boost for Iverson and Philly.
All in all, my heart wants A.I. in Boston, but my head says he's going south of the turnpike.Well wait and see.
Special notes. A quote from Boston Celtics captain Paul Pierce when asked about Allen Iverson before being traded to the Nuggests. "I hope before my career is over I get to play with Allen." A quote from Danny Ainge that same time period. "I've always been an Iverson fan, I'd like to see him wearing green one day." Yeah me too.
The Answer
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