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Friday, January 14, 2011

I Really Hope This Isn't True Tiger

"Golf great Tiger Woods reportedly is still obsessed with his gorgeous ex-wife, Swedish stunner Elin Nordegren—allegedly resorting to ransacking her home to read her diary. The National Enquirer reports that Nordegren told friends that Woods snuck into her Florida home over Thanksgiving last year, with the sole intent of finding her journals to find out details about her love life.

“I feel violated!” the Enquirer reports Nordegren as saying. “I’m totally creeped out by it. He has absolutely no right to be in my home! I don’t want him sneaking around, searching through my drawers and cupboards and trying to find my diaries.”

Woods was able to sneak into his ex’s home by doing some fast-talking with the household staff, according to the magazine. Nordegren allegedly told her friend, “He used the excuse that their kids had left some things that he had to pick up.” Nordegren has kept the journals since at least 2001, detailing every private moment of her life, the Enquirer reported. Woods allegedly was upset over the possibility that Nordegren has moved on with her life—and was perhaps even seeing a new man.

“Tiger never wanted the divorce, and since they split up, he has been very jealous and possessive about Elin,” a source told the Enquirer. “She told a friend, ‘I feel like he’s stalking me! Our marriage is over—can’t he accept that?’ I just want to move on with my life and he won’t leave me alone!’"

The National Enquirer broke the story of Tiger Woods' alleged affair with Rachel Uchitel in the weeks preceeding his Thanksgiving 2009 car accident, after which tales of multiple affairs arose (FoxNews)."

I am not one to take National Enquirer stories seriously, but if this is true it'll be the end of Tiger Woods. So far, it doesn't sound like their will be charges, and alone could be a reason to think this story is false. But if it somehow turns out to be true Tiger is going to lose the rest of his endorsements, and you'd have to wonder how much more the PGA would take. With him not winning anymore the PGA is taking a lot of hits, and this could be a killer if Tiger goes all O.J. on them.

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