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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Judge Rules Inmate Can't Change Name to 'Sinner'

"You can't call yourself "Sinner Lawrence Bilskirnir." Court documents say Jonathan L. Thomas cited his Norse religion in seeking the name change, saying he "is a heathen and Thor is his 'High God." But Lancaster County District Judge Steve Burns says government agencies need to closely track Thomas because of his criminal record and because there are three child-support cases against him. Burns says Thomas' reasons do not satisfy the legal requirements. In his ruling, Burns says that "simply because a person is a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim, they do not change their name to Moses (FoxNews)."

HAHA, why can't he change his name? I thought I could change my name to whatever I want, but I guess not. Anyways, this guy is a scumbag, but at least he seems to have a sense of humor, but then again he pays to Thor, so he probably is 100% crazy. Still, there goes my dream of Curtis Martin actually changing his name to Curtis "My Favorite" Martin...sad day indeed.

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