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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LOST Recap: Ab Aeterno

We finally got what we all wanted. We got the story of Richard and a ton of answers. To be honest I thought that this is probably one of the best LOST episodes of all time. Usually I break this up by on and off island, but there isn't really any way to do that with this episode, so we will just start...

We started off this week with a short recap of Jacob’s visit to Ilana while she was banged up (more than Pamela Anderson on one of her rock-star benders) in some hospital. Jacob tells her that she must protect the 6 candidates and that Richard will know what to do after that. Richard quickly reminds us that he was attempting to kill himself last time we saw him. He has lost faith in everything he believes in, and then informs them that they are all in hell. Oh ok, so that's what's been going on....of course not.

After his little speech Richard takes off into the jungle, while Jack notices that Hurley is talking to dead people again. He demands that he tells him what Jacob said, but Hurley wasn't talking to Jacob and so Hurley takes off after Richard.

We do the whole LOST flashback thing to 1867 in the Canary Islands. Richard is some poor Spanish guy, who is trying to take care of his extremely sick wife. He tells his wife that he will go get a doctor. She gives him a cross necklace (I assume, because he's got no money), and Richard takes off out the door. Of course the whole doctor thing doesn't go well. The douchebag demands a large sum of money that Richard doesn't have. He tries to give the doc the necklace, but he throws it on the ground saying it is useless. Richard at this point snaps takes the medicine and pushed the doctor, who falls and slams his head on the table killing him.

Richard gets back to his wife only to find that she is dead. An angry mob then arrives and Richard is thrown in prison (yea, so far good day). In prison a priest gives him his last rights, but refuses to forgive him. He doesn't stop there also telling him that he is going to hell.

In the morning, the priest returns and he and some others lead Richard to a slave ship commander (Whitfield) to see if Richard is fit for purchase. It isn’t until Richard reveals that he is learning to speak English that the commander (who works for Magnus Hanso) agrees to take him to the ‘New World.’

As if things couldn't get any worse their is a huge storm while the are on the slave ship (Black Rock). One of the slaves looks out the window and says he sees the devil (which is actually just that big statue). The storm throws the boat into the statue, and into the middle of the island. Ok, well things can only get better from here right??? No.

Richard and many of the slaves are spared only to be bludgeoned by Whitfield. Richard is about to get it, but then the Black Smoke comes in and fucks everyone up. Days later, Richard (still in chains) awakens to see a boar feasting upon the dead. He tries to spear the boar with a little nail he found (not the best idea) and loses the nail. He now is just going crazy. He sees his dead wife (most likely MIB), but this reunion doesn't last long as the Smoke comes back and kills her too, but not before she tells Richard they are in Hell.

Richard appears to give up this point, but then MIB appears to free him and give him some water. MIB tells Richard that yes, he is in hell, but that he can kill the devil (Jacob) with this special knife and free Bella (same knife given to Sayid to kill MIB). Then MIB drops the line, “It’s good to see you out of those chains,” which you will remember is what Flocke said to Richard when they ran into each other in the jungle.

MIB tells Richard the same thing Dogen said to Sayid when he sent him to kill Flocke...Don’t let him speak. Richard goes to kills Jacob who he believes is the devil, Jacob beats the crap out of him and then proves Richard isn’t dead by trying to drown him, which was awesome!

After this bonding moment Jacob and Richard have a long talk. Jacob tells Richard that he brought the boat, that he brings people to the island to prove to the MIB that people can be good regardless of their past, and that the others he’s brought are dead because they couldn’t help themselves. THANK YOU.... we have been waiting for that for about 6 years, but he doesn't stop there. Using a bottle of wine, Jacob explains that the wine is evil. If you pour it, it will spread. The island acts like a cork, keeping evil in its place. Once again....THANK YOU.

Jacob offers Richard a job-act like Jacob’s spokesman with the candidates and he can have whatever he wants in return. Richard asks for his wife, and Jacob says he can't do that. He asks for eternal bliss (heaven), but Jacob tells him he can't do that either. Richard finally says he wants to live forever (terrible idea). Jacob says OK, touches him, and that's why Richard can't age....Boom.

Richard goes back to MIB and gives him a gift from Jacob (white rock), MIB tells him he can change his mind whenever he wants, the offer still stands.

So we flash back to current times. Richard is digging up Bella’s crucifix and starts yelling that he has changed his mind. But, before Flocke can get to him, our boy Hurley does. He tells him his wife is next to him, and they have this whole heartbreaking scene, where basically she tells him that they will always be together, but he has to stop blaming himself.

We end with Richard putting on Isabella’s crucifix and heading back to camp with Hurley despite a very pissed off looking Flocke who has been watching in the distance.

We flash once again back in time, and it is Jacob and MIB sitting. We go through the whole I'm going to kill you thing. Jacob hands MIB the bottle of wine, and MIB smashes it....

- Is Flocke really pure evil?
- How did Flocke and Jacob get these powers?
- What would happen if Flocke left the island?

- No way Richard makes it too much longer. They wrapped up his story, and he'll be dead soon.
- Jacob let Ben kill him Obie-Wan Kenobi style. Knowing to prove his point other people were going to have to pick up his task of keeping the MIB on the island.
- Jack will be the new Jacob, but I'm not sold he is making it out of this show alive.

Anyways, leave any questions, or theories in the comment section.

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