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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Joba Chamberlain Pleads Guilty To DUI

"New York Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain pleaded guilty Wednesday to a Nebraska charge of drunken driving and was given probation (ESPN)."

No real big story here, but the good news for Yankees fans is that this will not affect his season. I really like how the judge handled this...

"You probably worked long and hard to get where you are today," Judge Laurie Yardley said before sentencing Chamberlain to nine months' probation. "It takes about 10 seconds to wipe all that out." Chamberlain nodded and said, "Yes, ma'am," and Yardley told him "don't come back."

Though I would have thrown him in jail if he called me ma'am, but the Judge was cool about this and didn't get all high and mighty. Joba has been looking great during spring training, and is ready for the season to start. For some reason I just don't see him being able to stay healthy as a starter. Eventually I see him being the next Papelbon, and closer for the Yanks, but we'll have to see how my prediction works out.

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