I'm fucking pissed about this. The NFL needs to get humbled for being so greedy. They are expanding the regular season 2 games to 18 and taking 2 preseason games away. I know The Captain will like this because he believes he's Robert Kraft, but you have to be blind to see this is fucking the players. The owners are greedy, and they believe that they are already sharing too much revenue with the players, so this is the way they can use their players more without giving them any more revenue. They are cutting the revenue from 60% to 56% I think (don't quote me on that, or anything). If I were the players union I would be flipping shit right now, I would demand guaranteed contracts and higher pensions once they leave the game, because this is ultimately shortening players careers.
I think in this offseason collective bargaining mess, I believe Joe Public will side with the players over the owners for the first time because with all the shit going on with concussions the safety of football is in question. I don't get it from an NFL standpoint to be honest, why shoot yourself in the foot more by putting players in danger for 2 more regular season games? We are seemingly seeing stories pop up left and right about the dangers football brings with concussions. Also their are reports now that concussions lead to ALS (Lou Gerhig Disease) which isn't curable and an awful way to die. Oh yea, the NFL donated a million dollars for research for concussion treatment which is chump change.
I know NFL has a giant supply and demand and can get away with expanding the season and fucking the players over. But I've honestly got turned off with how the whole organization. I hate that their are commercials every 20 seconds, I hate that I can't use their clips on youtube, and I hate that they screw over their players. With more popularity and TV time for the NBA and NHL, I wonder if football will take a small ratings hit. Probably not, but I really hope so.
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